InnoForESt - Consortium Partners
No | Organisation | Short | Country | Type |
1 | Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Coordinator) | HNEE | Germany | University |
2 | Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Institute of Socio-Economics | ZALF | Germany | Research Institute |
3 | Finnish Environment Institute | SYKE | Finnland | Research Institute |
4 | University of Trento | UNITN | Italy | University |
5 | Centre of Transdisciplinary Studies | CETIP | Slovakia | Research Network |
6 | State Forest Experiment and Research Station Baden-WĂŒrttemberg | FVA | Germany | State Forest Agency |
7 | University of Twente | UT | Netherlands | University |
8 | Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies | LUCSUS | Sweden | University |
9 | Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Institute of Social Ecology | Uni-KLU | Austria | University |
10 | European Landowner Organisation | ELO | Belgium | NGO |
11 | Studygroup for International Analysis | STUDIA | Austria | NGO |
12 | Finnish Forest Centre | FFC | Finnland | National Forest Agency |
13 | Academy for Sustainable Development | ANE | Germany | NGO |
14 | Territorial, Agriculture and Forestry Department of the Autonomous Province of Trento | PAT | Italy | Provincial Forest Agency |
15 | Institute for Structural Policy | IREAS | Czech Republic | NGO |
16 | UNIVERSEA | UNIVERS | Sweden | SME |