Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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5 EURES Kurse - Downloads

GIS Bioenergy Analyses for Forestry and Agriculture, 04.-05. 06. 2007

04.06.2007 GIS in Forestry

GIS Applications in Forest Biomass Aquisition Markus Huhtinen (North Karelia University of Applied Sciences Joensuu, Finland)

Environmentally enhanced potentials for increased biomass utilization from European forests, Lauri Vesa (European Forest Institute Joensuu, Finland)

Predicting Biomass With Remote Sensing Technology, Vesa Leppänen (Arbonaut Ltd.)

Modelling Hauling and Backhauling Modelling on Energy-wood Network, Lauri Vesa (European Forest Institute Joensuu, Finland)

05.06.2007 GIS in Agriculture

Analysis of Bioenergy Potential in Agriculture - Statistics, Severine Laufer (UAS Eberswalde)

Analysis of Bioenergy Potential in Agriculture - Modelling, Sybille Brozio (UAS Eberswalde)

Integrated Biomass Supply Logistics —the MIRO Model, Mareike Schultze, Herbert Sonntag (UAS Wildau)


07.06.2007 EU-BIONET 2 Course

EUBIONET- Wood fuel use and fuel prices in Europe(Verena Stinshoff, FNR)

Holzenergie in Deutschland (Hermann Hansen, FNR)

Wood fuel properties and standardisation (Anssi Kokkonen, NKUAS)

Wood fuel procurement methods of forest residues and small-size trees and cost of wood fuel procurement in Germany (Verena Stinshoff, FNR)

Wood fuel procurement methods and logistics of wood energy in Finland (Kari Väätäinen, Finnish Forest Research Institute)

Small scale pellet production, economy and reality: case studies (Anssi Kokkonen, NKUAS)

Heat entrepreneurship and local economic development  (Lasse Okkonen, NKUAS)

Wood fuel market development in Northern Europe (Lasse Okkonen, NKUAS)

Case studies from Finland: Heat production based on wood chips and pellets (Anssi Kokkonen, NKUAS)

Entrepreneurships from Germany and other countries (Verena Stinahoff, FNR)

Biomasse-Heizungen Entwicklung und Umweltaspekte (Hermann Hansen, FNR)

Energiesymposium Barnim Bau, 16.09.2006

Holzenergie  (Dieter Sasse, CEBra GmbH)

Energie aus Biomasse - Holzenergie (Michael Hecken, Inbalance) 

Energieeffizienz (Reinhard Wilhelm, Leuchtturm Consulting KG)

Heizanlagen optimieren (Michael Vogelsang, IKuB)

RW Internationale Energieholz Woche, 23.01.-27.01.2006

Wood energy basic course, 23-24.01. 2006
Wood biomass as a fuel

Wood as a fuel (1,0 MB)

Pellets and Chips (4,1 MB)

Biofuel standarts (0,8 MB)

Wood energy and Environment:

Forest Energy and greenhouse effect (0,4 MB)

Emissions from wood fuels (0,3 MB)

Dust and organic compounds emissions (0,2 MB)

Nutrient loss from forests (0,2 MB)

Renaissance and global utilisation of the coppice system (0,1 MB)

Wood fuel production for small scale use and district heating plants (2,1 MB)