Introduction to sustainable development (ENE)
In the mandatory module Introduction to Sustainable Development, all first-semester students from our Bachelor's programmes are introduced to the concepts and discourses of sustainable development. The lecture series forms the theoretical basis, while interdisciplinary project groups work on issues and challenges of sustainable development together with practice partners from the region. We look forward to welcoming you to the Introduction to Sustainable Development module and working together towards a more sustainable future!

The fishbowl lecture of the ENE module in winter semester 23_24

Part of the exhibition on (everyday) racism of an ENE project

The science slam meets primary school project realisation

Mentors during the exam 23_24
Module structure "Introduction to sustainable development"
The graphic shows the centrepiece of this module: a lecture series presented by lecturers from various faculties at HNEE. This lecture series offers a comprehensive look at sustainable development from different perspectives and lays the theoretical foundation for a sound understanding of what sustainability means at HNEE.
In interdisciplinary project groups, they then work together with mentors and practice partners on specific questions and challenges of sustainable development. A central element of this collaboration is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which serve as a guideline for working together towards a better future.
Our module therefore not only offers knowledge, but also the opportunity to actively apply this knowledge and work together on solutions for a more sustainable world.

Lecture series
These topics are covered in the interdisciplinary lecture series:
Holistic and long-term thinking and action on a global level. What is fair to current and future generations and who decides?
The connection between dysfunction in social systems and change in ecosystems and the linking of ethical-cultural aspects with socio-political and socio-cultural drivers of change.
Historical background and political events. Definition of the concept of sustainability and sustainable development.
Factors influencing environmental behaviour and intervention strategies.
Important strategies and concepts of sustainability and climate protection management at HNEE. Current developments of important indicators for measuring environmental performance. Opportunities to participate in the sustainable development of HNEE.
Economic systems and their drivers. Does sustainable economic growth exist? Approaches and solutions for sustainable economic activity.
Core elements of civil society systems. Forms of participation and inequalities in the population.
Fishbowl method with guests from the field (politics, administration and civil society actors) who discuss the topic in an inner circle ("goldfish bowl") while the students observe the discussion in an outer circle. There is always the opportunity to sit in the inner circle and get involved.
Sustainable forest management and the development of regulated Forestry. History of forest management and silvicultural systems. Such as smoke damage and interim stocking.
The wood-based bioeconomy is an essential part of the bioeconomy and includes the material and energetic utilisation of the renewable raw material wood as well as the knowledge of its natural structures and their possible transfer to technical systems and processes.
Life-cycle management in the electrical retail trade

Project context, practice partner and mentor of the micro-project

Project goal and SDGs of the microproject

The project result
New street furniture for Bernau

Project context, practice partner and mentor of the micro-project

Project goal and SDGs of the microproject

The project result
Exhibition on (everyday) racism

Project context, practice partner and mentor of the micro-project

Project goal and SDGs of the microproject

The project result
Practice partners and cooperation
Become part of our community at ENE! We are always looking for practical partners for exciting project topics in the field of sustainable development. Companies, civil society organisations such as associations or initiatives as well as public institutions are very welcome to work with us. It is important to us that the project topics have a direct link to practice and offer added value for our partners. If you have questions in the broad field of sustainable development and are interested in working with students and the HNE, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working together on sustainable solutions!
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