Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Modular, temporary buildings in lightweight construction (WoodLightDesign)

short description

The concept is to transfer the industrial production and construction methods of the furniture industry to timber construction. The aim is to produce serial and universal building components and modules. The small number of components from which standardized floor, wall and ceiling modules can be produced enables the configuration and construction of different building variants.

The modules can be assembled or disassembled to reduce or expand the size of the building due to the reversible couplings of the modules. The modules can be reassembled elsewhere to form a building with alternative uses. The quality of the modules is monitored and restored if necessary and thus remains guaranteed. Integrated in a digital platform, the areas of building planning, production, distribution and logistics can be networked.

Research project partners

© HNEE WoodLigthDesign_Concept

timber design initiative

Peter Wilson, owner of the scottish Ltd. Timber Design Initiative

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Dr. Lars Blomqvist from swedish Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)


Dr. Graham Ormondroyd from BioComposites Centre in Wales


Prof. Dr. Rupert Wimmer, Chairholder of Institut für Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe at BOKU Vienna


Dr. Michael Mrissa and Erwin Schau from InnoRenew Centre of Excellence in Slovenia

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Dr. Peter Rademacher from Mendel University Brno


Vicky Leloup,

Province of Antwerp



Funding code: 13FH010AN7

Project duration: 01.05.2018 - 23.01.2019


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Head of project and contact person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (Alexander.Pfriem@hnee.de)

Lothar Clauder M.Sc. (Lothar.Clauder@hnee.de)