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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Faculty Council

Basic matters of the faculty are discussed and ruled on in the faculty Council (FC). The FC consists of six professors, two academic staff members and two students. The chairman of the FC implements the decisions of the FC and conducts the business of the faculty under own responsibility. The FC is elected every two years.


according to BbgHG from October 26, 2010

  1. issuing of the faculties statutes
  2. decisions on the structure and development of the faculty
  3. proposals for the management of scientific institutions and operating units of faculty facilities
  4. decision on proposed assignments
  5. decision on habilitations
  6. participation in the evaluation and coordination of teaching and research
  7. supervision of the dean
  8. election and dismissal of the dean and its substitutes

Members of the Faculty Council 2016-2018


  • Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mundt (Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Cremer (Substitute)
  • Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch
  • Prof. Dr. Wolf-Henning von der Wense
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Welp
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Guericke

Academic staff

  • Benjamin Gillich
  • Christoph Nowicki

Other employees

Andrea Bruszies


  • Judith Lenz
  • Jonathan Böhme

Meeting dates

Summer Semester 2020 / Winter Semester 2020/21

The meetings take place every 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Further separate dates will be announced internally at the university if required.


Agendas, table and resolution proposals, protocols of department council meetings on EMAA+ (here)