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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Prof. Dr. Vera Luthardt


Vegetation science and Applied Plant Ecology

Department of Landscape Management & Nature Conservation

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Room: 01.319 (city campus), office hours: Tuesday 16:00-17:30

Phone: + 49 (3334) 657-327

Fax: + 49 (3334) 657-282


"From observation to discovery"

Not only meteorological data fluctuate from one year to the next to a considerable extent around a mean, which is visible only over a long time. Also all other components of ecosystems swing more or less, which is mostly difficult to grasp and cannot be easily explained. How is it possible to distinguish natural fluctuations from actual trends? Which indicators show us early and with a high probability the changes of our sensitive environment? The answer to these questions can only be found by continuous long term observation.

"Mires are islands of live"

Natural mires with their very specific characteristics and functions for the landscape are part of the variety of our environment. However they are strongly threatened — both by direct human influences and by intensive changes of the environment. The consequent protection, restoration and careful handling of these natural resources are one of the most important precepts of the current time!