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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Psychosocial counselling and learning coaching

Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder offers psychosocial counselling for HNEE students. The main purpose of this counselling is to support academic and personal academic success and offer guidance in difficult study and life situations. The students' independence and performance are encouraged. Possible conflict situations can be stress or exam anxiety, for example.

The personality of the learner is at the centre of learning coaching. Personal counselling sessions are used to discover your own learning style, develop your own learning strategies and consolidate and strengthen learning techniques.

German-language counselling takes place on Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m. in the Sonnenvilla and only after appointment.

English-language counselling is also offered, please enquire about the dates via the Studentenwerk Frankfurt/ Oder.

Appointments are essential! Please contact the service centre of Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder): or 0335 56509 90.

You can also find more information about counselling on the Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder website.

However, in case of a discrimination experience, we would like to encourage you to contact the Gender Equality Officer or the Coordination of anti-racism work.

Further offers of help: Telephone counselling 0800 1110111 (anonymous, free and 24/7) or