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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


ERASMUS+ is the European Education Programme of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission (EACEA).

The ERASMUS+ programme offers three so-called "key actions”:

1. promoting mobility (encouraging the mobility of students, teachers and academic staff within the European Union and partner countries) 

2. promotion of international university cooperation (development and implementation of joint strategic partnerships and cooperation projects)

3. policy support (strengthening European education systems)

Additionally, Erasmus+ offers the two actions "Jeanne Monet" and "Sport".

The mobility programmes in Germany are managed by the National Agency of the German Academic Exchange Service (NA-DAAD). The other actions are managed by the EACEA.The European Commission is responsible for the political orientation of the Erasmus+ programme and supervises the implementation of the programme.

EN V Co-funded by the EU_POS

HNEE participates in various Erasmus+ key actions. Following you find an overview of all HNEE projects within the Erasmus+ programme.

► HNEE projects 

Internationale Kooperationen (2)

Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme and other agreements, the HNEE maintains cooperations with universities throughout Europe and worldwide​​​​​​►HNEE Partners Worldwide


Mobilities in the Erasmus programme:

Are you interested in a study exchange, internships, further education or teaching at the HNEE?

Are you interested in going to one of our Erasmus+ partner universities or institutes for study exchanges, placements, further education or teaching? 

The following pages will provide you with information: 

​​​​►Incoming Staff Erasmus+ Programme 
►Outgong Staff Erasmus+ Programme



Erasmus-ID: D EBERSWA01
PIC: 94 98 53 004
Referenznummer: 43900


Charta 2021-2027

HNEE has successfully applied for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for ERASMUS+  programme 2021 - 2027. Please read the ECHE.pdf to learn more about HNEE's principles and commitments under the ERASMUS+ programme.

Policy Statement 2021-2027

Excerpt from declaration on ERASMUS + Higher Education Policy - HNEE-Policy-Statement-2021-2027.pdf 

The full version is currently only available in German language. 


Charta und Policy Statement 2014-2020 

Here you can find an excerpt from the ERASMUS + Higher Education Policy Statement at HNEE for the Erasmus+ programme generation 2014-2020 as well as the ECHE 2014-2020.