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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

 Study abroad with Erasmus+ at one of our European partner universities


              Fotocredit: Oliver Reetz/DAAD

We are pleased that you are interested in an Erasmus+ study stay at one of our many partner universities in other European countries!

The following FAQ's are intended to give you an overview of the first steps, the general funding conditions, the application procedure at HNEE and further information on Erasmus funding.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Partner universities
Funding conditions
Funding rates and financing
Application procedure at HNEE
Before the mobility
During the mobility
After the mobility
Language support: OLS (Online Linguistic Support)
Special support for students with 'fewer opportunities'
Sustainable travel (green Erasmus)
Blended Mobility


EN V Co-funded by the EU_POS​​​​​​​