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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

City Campus

The city campus, which is located in the heart of Eberswalde, is the seat of two university faculties, i.e. »Landscape Management and Nature Conservation« and »Sustainable Business«, as well as of the library, the university administration and of the president. The campus's attractive varied architecture reflects the development of university life in Eberswalde.



1   Faculty Landscape Management and Nature Conservation

2   Faculty Sustainable Business, PC-Pool, Cafeteria (Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder), Administration

3   Personnel Department, Post Office

4   Student's Union (AStA)

5   IT Service Centre, PC-Pool, Language Centre, Faculty Landscape Management and Nature Conservation

6   Press & Public Relations, Head offices and Auditorium, International Office

7   Library

Students' Club   Pub, managed by Volunteers