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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Video production

Here you can find a variety of tools and instructions for producing videos.

Practical Guide Webvideo-production

  • Practical Guide: Webvideo-Production at the University for sustainable development Eberswalde (09/2019)
    Practical guide_webvideo_production.pdf (german)
    Author: Simon Reuter, Faculty Sustainable Economy
  • This Guide is a project from the faculty of Sustainable Economy under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Claudia Brötzel and supported by funds for Innovative Teaching and Learning (ILL).

Video Tutorials

  • Introductory video:  (view, Eberswalde 2020)
    A shot instruction with an introduction to the webvideo camera equipment (Overview Equipment) (german)
  • Video tutorial:
    Implementing an Intro, Outro and "Bauchbinde" (explanatory pop ups) in a webvideo with Camtasia (german)
