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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Online Teaching 2020

Due to the current situation of the Corona-virus and the associated impact on our teaching activities, we assembled helpful information and websites. We hope these will support you in the switch to the online teaching.

To guarantee your indepentend study we offer following service:


Attention! Please note this site is currently under construction and there will be new information coming soon.

In the following you can find information for the first steps into an online teaching.

Hinweise aus der Bibliothek

Nomos eLibrary

The Nomos eLibrary enables all libraries to access all contents (books, textbooks, magazines, etc.) for 14 days free of charge.
It offers convenient access to excellent scientific publications in the fields of law, politics, economics, media studies & communication research, history, sociology, educational research, cultural studies, Europe, health science, philosophy and religion.

Please remember to set up a VPN connection!

Digital SAP-Library

The publisher Espresso Tutorials is currently offering an extended test access to the "Digital SAP Library". The test access is activated until 31.05.2020 and can be accessed with the following access data:

Password:        SAP2020

Please remember to set up a VPN connection!

Business Source Ultimate

For four months beginning in April, EBSCO is offering access to Business Source Ultimate. Business Source Ultimate is the largest in the Business Source series of business databases. It provides access to 2,030+ peer-reviewed economics journals, of which 1,479 are available with the most current issues without embargo. 1,059 of these are evaluated by Web of Science or Scopus. In addition, the database curates numerous and important open access journals, thus completing the full text supply. 298 of the full text licenses in Business Source Ultimate are listed by the JOURQUAL ranking.

Please use the following link via a VPN connection:,uid&custid=s6849761&groupid=main&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bsu


Academic Search Ultimate

For four months beginning in April, EBSCO is offering access to Academic Search Ultimate. Academic Search Ultimate is the largest of the multi-disciplinary subject database series Academic Search. It provides access to 8,450+ peer-reviewed journals, of which 6,410 are available with the most recent issues without embargo. 5,307 of these are evaluated by Web of Science or Scopus. The database contains more than 800 journals from the German-speaking countries. In addition, Academic Search Ultimate curates numerous and important Open Access journals, thus completing the full text supply.


Please use the following link via a VPN connection:,uid&custid=s6849761&groupid=main&profile=ehost&defaultdb=asn

HERDTCampus - Professionelles IT-Wissen für Forschung & Lehre

A test access to "HERDTCampus - Professional IT Knowledge for Research & Teaching" is now available for use until  31.05.2020.
The HERDT publishing house is one of the leading providers of IT educational media. The offered learning media cover more than 500 IT topics from Microsoft Office applications and database systems to network technologies and the latest design programs.

With the ALL YOU CAN READ offer, we provide all students, staff and teachers with the proven HERDT learning materials as PDF downloads, including all digital additional media.

You can access it via

Please remember to set up a VPN connection!

eBook-specialized collection from Springer Nature

Free access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines.

With the Coronavirus outbreak having an unprecedented impact on education, Springer Nature is launching a global program to support learning and teaching at higher education institutions worldwide. Remote access to educational resources has become essential. We want to support lecturers, teachers and students during this challenging period and hope that this initiative will go some way to help.

Institutions will be able to access more than 500 key textbooks across Springer Nature’s eBook subject collections for free. In addition, we are making a number of German-language Springer medical training books on emergency nursing freely accessible. 

These books will be available via SpringerLink https://

until at least the end of July.

Assembly platform CorBib

Due to the pandemic, numerous publishers have activated their offers for a limited period of time. The DBIS database system has therefore launched a new platform where these offers are collected.

You can find this platform at


Online-classes / brigde-courses

You can find various materials from other universities covering different topics here.

The covered topics are

  • Sustainable development

  • Math

  • GIS / remote sensing (also hier)

  • Landscape planning

  • Information on Wikis (Platform for Learning- and Teaching materials)


To support the work and teaching during the corona crisis (as good as possible), we enabled following options for SPSS.
Due to our existing contract we are not able to enable more licences than we already have, IMB (the producer of SPSS) found a solution to make your study easier. You are able to access an extended trial licence for SPSS, that will give you the opportunity to use it until June 15th 2020.

As it is a trial version, it is accessable from all compliance-conform devices.  

The SPSS- licences are downloadable for everyone from this website:

Virtual Rooms

Due to the closed PC-Pools, we will provide the students with Computer-Pool work spaces.

We can provide work spaces with the software package of the FOW-Pools C1 (Desktop in english language) from the forest campus as well as the Software package of the GIS-Pools (Desktop in german language) from the city campus. These work spaces have the access to all network ressources (as example device P & S). A VPN-connection to our university and a remote-desktop-client on your computer are necessary! The performance of your device is only of secondary importance.

For further information visit: