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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

News & Events

Study FIT - Your passport to the future !

FIT First semester opening ceremony 2020 broadcasted and disseminated online  

On the 21st of September 2020 the annual semester opening ceremony  for all International Master programs at HNEE was presented in a hybrid online/ offline format due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic regulations. In den afternoon session more than 25 recently matriculated new FIT Students (see image) from various countries around the globe participated in an online forum at HNEE broadcasted in a digital meeting room. This 2 hours internet online meeting was technically facilitated by the HNEE ITSZ and faculty staff using successfully the open source Big Blue Button meeting software and the DFN glass fiber network at HNEE.


Image: JP Mund

HIT 2020

General Introduction of Forest Information Technology (FIT), Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund as part of this year's HNEE Information days



Here you can find HNEE ArcGIS Online Maps about life at and around the university in which FIT students have actively participated in 2018 as well as a selection of poster presentations from past years.

HNEE Geo websites about Eberswalde, HNEE projects and alumni


September 2015 - 10 Years of FIT

More than 50 students, graduates, current and previous lecturers came together for a  commemorative event celebrating 10 years of the study programme.



January 2015 - New data collection devices

Particularly for data collection purposes in Remote Sensing related teaching and research there are now available a small plane (picture below left) and an octocopter (right). Both flying systems can be equipped with different optical and infra red camera systems.




September 2014 - "Sparkassen-Preis" for M. Sc. Michel Lanz

The annual prize of the county savings bank of Barnim ("Sparkasse Barnim") was awarded to FIT graduate Michel Lanz. for his outstanding Master thesis with the title "Automatic Recognition and Analysis of Trees Using Stereo Vision". At the picture below the prize winner (right) is together with the supervisor of the thesis, Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund.




September 2014 - Extended hardware  and improved software

The complete software spectrum in the computer pools is updated to the latest versions. To be able to train and practice the diversity of software products especially used at the geo IT market, .Surfer and IDRISI products are now additionally available.

In order to improve the hardware und software options for student resaerch projects and the Master research a new computer pool with six graphic workstations, incl. three 3D workstations was established.




September 2011 - Renewed computer pool

Computer hard and software are completely updated due to a common programme by the EC (EFRE) and the Federal State of Brandenburg. The newly enrolled 25 students from Cameroon, Germany, Georgia, Iran, Myanmar, Nigeria, Poland and Russia will have excellent conditions for working at the university and individually at home.


computer pool C4


September 2009 - Programme accreditation

The FIT study programme is accreditated in Germany by the accreditation agency ASIIN and in Poland by the state accreditation commission PKA. The new academic year has started with FIT students from Cameroon, Germany, Ghana, Poland, Spain and USA.

Since the winter semester 2009/2010 a modified curriculum is valid. The module structure and contents were reorganized and updated in order to better meet the educational objectives of the programme and to fulfil the requirements coming from the Bologna process. 

September 2008

The new academic year is opened. In the current course there are students from Albania, Cameroon, Germany, India and Poland.

September 2007

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Award of 2007 was awarded to M. Sc. Addo Koranteng (Ghana). The topic of his Master Thesis was "Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Kumasi Metropolis and its Environs Based on the Analysis of Landsat Images". At the picture below the prize winner together with the Mayor of Eberswalde Mr. F. Boginski (right) and the Co-Head of the FIT programme Prof. Dr. A. Schultz (left).

March 19, 2007- Computer facilities further improved

Another new computer lab with 11 modern graphic workstations  equipped with the latest software for data analysis, management and visualization was opened with the begin of the Summer Semester 2007. It serves particularly for the specialized IT courses of the 4th semester. From all working places it is also possible to access a new powerful Linux server. The Linux server will be employed  for teaching and training Internet related technologies such as web databases and dynamic web pages.

May 15, 2006 - New computer pool for the Faculty of Forestry

A new computer pool for all study programmes of the Faculty of Forestry was opened by the dean of the faculty Prof. Dr. Harald Schill.

 The computer pool contains 24 modern graphic workstations and is equipped with state-of-the-art software for all relevant forest and environment related IT branches (among them ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, eCognition, Surfer, various programming enviroments). Especially for FIT students the pool offers excellent working conditions.

Sep 29, 2005 - FIT-Opening

The new International Master Study Programme "Forest Information Technology" was inaugurated by r epresentatives of the Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Consumer Protection and the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg, the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde and the Warsaw Agricultural University.

The button to launch the International Master Study Programme "Forest Information Technology" is pressed (from left) by Prof. Dr. G.-W. Vahrson (President UASE Eberswalde), Prof. Dr. Harald Schill (Dean Faculty of Forestry), Dietmar Schulze (State Secretary Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Consumer Protection), Ute Tietgens (Head of Department, Ministry for Science, Research and Culture), Prof. Dr. Krystyna Gutkowska (Vice Rector WAU), Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz (Co-Head of Study Programme UASE) and Dr. Michal Zasada ( Co-Head of Study Programme WAU)

September, 2005 - DAAD Award for M.Sc. student Nabarath Baniya (Nepal)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Award is the highest award for foreign students in Germany. With this award the DAAD appreciates outstanding study results and an active participation in social life. In 2005 M.Sc. Nabarath Baniya could be awarded for his thesis "The Use of Landsat Thematic Mapper Satellite Image to Monitor Nun Moth (Lymantria monacha) Infestation in Schorfheide Area". Mr. Baniya will continue his education with a Ph.D. study.


The award is handed over to M.Sc. Nabarath Baniya by the President of the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde Prof. Dr. W.-G- Vahrson