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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Student Research Projects 2010

Project Presentations Summer Semester 2010

Presenter / Title of Research Topic


Tobias Herrmann:

"MesstischblÀtter/UrmesstischblÀtter Brandenburgs- Displaying landscape history to the public"

open/download (PDF, 2.434 KB)

Jude Nkuo Kuma:

"Selection, Preparation and Preprocessing of Digital Spatial data sources for Teaching Purposes"

open/download (PDF, 3.939 KB)

Johannes Petraschek:

"Spatial Development Strategies for Climate Change"

open/download (PDF, 4.551 KB)

Anto Raphael Dominic:

"Potential Habitat Modelling for Snow Leopard using MaxEnt with emphasis on model analysis and validation"

open/download  (PDF, 731 KB )

Kathrin Schadow-Pohl:

"OOP - Object-Oriented Programming"

open/download  (PDF, 289 KB )