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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Network for Diversity and Equal Opportunity  Netzwerk_Logo_gruen_en

The network is an association of various coordinators and representatives of the HNEE for the shaping of diversity and equal opportunities as well as the implementation of the concepts for equality and anti-racism. Together we advocate a positive perspective on the diversity of people and lifestyles as well as an appreciative approach in everyday university life.


As coordinators/officials and as a network, we organise information events, workshops and trainings on a wide range of topics from family issues to anti-racism. We want to sensitise all university members to discrimination and strengthen their commitment to democratic coexistence.

We offer counselling** and support in the event of experiences of discrimination. Employees and students are invited to contact the respective contact persons if they have experienced discrimination themselves or have witnessed it as a third party. You are also welcome to use the form below to contact us (anonymously) if you have experienced discrimination.

If you are not sure who your contact person is, please feel free to write to us via our network mail:

You would like to inform us about a discriminatory experience but prefer to do so anonymously? Please use our AnkerOnline form for discrimination reports!

Type of discrimination*
Description of discrimination*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            If you like us to contact you please fill in your E-Mail-adress and/or telephone number:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
E-Mail (optional)
Phone (optional)
Anti-SPAM Query
Please retype the code above into the input field below:

What does discrimination mean?
Discrimination means disadvantage, exclusion or devaluation in connection with one or more protected characteristics:
•    Ethnic origin, anti-Semitic and / or racist attributions,
•    appearance,
•    gender identity and gender ascriptions,
•    sexual orientation,
•    disability and/or chronic illness(es),
•    social origin or status,
•    age,
•    language,
•    family status or pregnancy,
•    religious or ideological orientation or political opinion.

** Counselling

We offer free, confidential and - if desired - anonymous initial counselling and listen to you. We cannot offer you a solution in every case, but we will be happy to support and accompany you in your search for a suitable solution as well as in further desired steps and refer you to counselling centres.

** The Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG) obliges employers to take the necessary measures to prevent discrimination. HNEE employees can contact the Human Resources Department with complaints.