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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Climate Protection Week 2017

What is the Climate Protection Week 2017?

The Climate Protection Week at the HNEE is a platform designed for (research) projects, university faculties, administration and action groups that deal with climate change and climate protection. Participants share and discuss their experiences and approaches with other university members and any interested members of public.

Aims of the climate protection week are to:
  • create awareness for the topics 'climate change' and 'climate protection'
  • make climate change tangible
  • show possible solution to climate protection
The program encompasses everything...
  • from concrete and decentralized solutions to systemic discussions and concepts
  • from participatory activities to scientific lectures
  • from local initiatives to transregional acting protagonists
This years main focus:
  • climate justice
  • climate change adaptation strategies in agriculture
  • sustainability transfer
  • as usual: "Do it yourself"-activities

You are cordially invited to participate at any activity, workshop or lecturePlease check the entire programm here (german)

      The following events are offered in english language: 



Tuesday, June 13th


house 6: Aula

Discussion: Environmental protection and nature conservation in the Russian Federation

Environmental activists from Russia talk with Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch about environmental protection and nature conservation in the Russian Federation. Discussion participants: Gulja Sultanova, LGBT-activist from Saint Petersburg; Nikolaj Petrow, political scientist at the Higher School of Economics Moscow and Alexej Kozlov, civil rights activist from Voronesch and Berlin

Organizer: Eberswalder Nachhaltigkeitsgesellschaft

Wednesday, June 14th


City Campus patio or

house 4: room 101

Climate Protection-Take action! - DIY 

How can I become involved with climate protection? What kind of innovative business ideas are developed by HNEE graduates? Enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere an eventful afternoon and learn about climate friendly alternatives to consumption mainstream and disposable society. 

Details about the program: check out the pdf of the entire programme 

Interested in an own booth or in offering a workshop at the DIY-afternoon of the Climate Protection Week? Registration:

Wednesday, June 14th


City Campus patio or

house 4: room 101

Talk and Open-Air Cinema: Fossil fuel phase out - "Kohleausstieg"-Do it yourself

How can we accelerate the phase out from fossil fuels? Each individual can change something, many forms of protest and political engagement are possible. The initiatives "Fossil Free", "Ende Gelände" and "Kohleausstieg Berlin" will be introduced. Afterwards the film "Beyond the red lines - system change not climate change" is shown. The documentation tells the story of a growing movement of civil disobedience, taking the transition towards a climate just society into its own hands. 

Saturday, June 17th 

10-16 Uhr

Stadtcampus between

house 4 and house 5

Get to know the Sustainability- and Climate Protection Management of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development at our booth on the Open Day! Next to us you can visit Ivakale e.V.: They present their climate protection project in the Kakamega rain forest in Kenya. Since 2014 the Eberswalde University has cooperated with Ivakale and compensated its carbon emissions via their forest protection program.

11:00 (lecture hall house 1) + 14:45 (house 2 lecture hall 1).: Presentation of the Sustainability Management of the university

13.30: Guided tour through our sustainable campus by Kerstin Kräusche (Sustainability Management HNEE)

 Find the complete program of the Open Day at: Eberswalde University at

Sunday, June 18th

11.30–12.30 Uhr

Individual arrival in Altenhof at the Werbellinsee by public transport or by bicycle, further information after registration

Excursion with the Solar Explorer: Exploring linkages between climate protection and biodiversity 

At the end of the week, a climate friendly cruise with the research vessel "Solar Explorer" will be offered on the beautiful Werbellinsee. The vessel is operated with 100% self-generated energy. Experience  a solar boat and explore the biodiversity of the up to 50m deep clear water lake (e.g. through the glass bottom). 

Please register until the 7th of July for the journey. Write to

Please direct any questions or comments