Global Change Management

The mission of the International Master Study Programme Global Change Management is to educate change agents and professionals who are able to cope with the challenges of natural resource management under global change and able to develop goal-oriented solutions for a sustainability transition. Considering GCM as a cross-sectoral challenge. We strive for an adaptive, proactive and precautionary approach to natural resource management and sustainability.

What is special about this programme?

Global environmental change processes modify the character of the earth system and therefore influence the fundamental natural resources of mankind. Nowadays climate change is recognized as the most important factor driving these changes. Other facets of global environmental change concern the loss of biodiversity, vast deforestation, freshwater availability and soil degradation. Main drivers of these rapid changes are population growth, propagation and intensification of agriculture and industry, rising consumption of goods and energy and the globalization of the world economy. There is a growing demand for well-trained specialists who are able to cope with challenges of natural resource management under Global Change.

Study content

Individual study contents

30 ECTS should be acquired per semester. This results in a total of 120 ECTS in four semesters. In the third semester you start your research project, accompanied by a research colloquium. In the fourth semester, you write your Master's thesis.
You acquire core competencies in the areas of:

  • Dynamics of socio-ecological systems and their contribution to human well-being.
  • Assessment of threats and risks to system functionality
  • Developing skills needed to identify effective entry points for change
  • Development of strategies for transformation management and its implementation

Modules per semester

Analysis of systems and the factors threatening them and human life.

You are enabled to understand and analyse the social and ecological basis of human wellbeing. You acquire skills to detect and document human-nature interactions in space and time, both on the local and the global level. You learn to conceptualize and critically assess different ways of measuring human wellbeing within planetary boundaries


You are enabled to understand the ecosystems and social systems relevant to human wellbeing. This includes understanding the functioning of both ecosystems and social systems, structures and processes that are crucial for their maintenance (functions), and the services derived from them for humans. Furthermore, you shall understand then inherently indeterminate dynamics of ecological or social systems. This enables you to critically discuss the weaknesses and strengths of the approach of social-ecological systems. You are able to derive requirements and limits for the management of complex systems.

Drivers of stress to systems functionality: You will be enabled to systemically understand and analyse human activities (“drivers of stress”) that directly lead to stresses on biological and social systems. To this end, at the completion of this module component, you will have learned approaches to terminological classifications, taking the drivers of stress as an example. You will have applied basic knowledge of risk management to the development of future scenarios and the identification of risks and blind spots. Finally, you will have practiced prioritisation of problems by assessing the criticality and strategic relevance of drivers of stress.
Root causes of system dysfunctionality: You are enabled to systemically understand and analyse those social framework characteristics which are the "root causes", indirectly leading to stresses on biological and social systems. To this end, at the completion of this module component, you will have further practiced approaches to terminological classifications, using the root causes of problems as an example. You will have practiced identifying their systemic relationships. You will have applied basic knowledge of risk management to the development of future scenarios and the identification of risks and blind spots. Finally, you will have practiced prioritisation of problems by assessing the criticality and strategic relevance of root causes.

You understand the carbon cycle with special reference to forests, soils and forest products. You are qualified to develop and critically reflect forest growth scenarios and have acquired basic knowledge of the purpose and the implementation of life cycle analysis (LCA), product carbon footprints (PCF) and corporate carbon footprints (CCF).


Sensors for automated measurements: You identify and describe the measuring principles behind sensor technologies used as data sources for environmental modelling. You know the principles of data quality assessment and further data processing procedures that guarantee a meaningful re-use of the measured data.
Process modelling methodology: You know about application areas of ecosystem models and are able to distinguish between different modelling concepts. You have a broad overview of different models and tools related to different focuses on environmental processes, e.g. carbon dynamics, water- and nutrient cycling, and biomass growth. You learn the principles of modelling practice in terms of parameter estimation, model set-up, and model validation. You conceptualize and design mathematical models to be used in environmental science, forestry and ecology.
You define input and output variables as well as protocols for modelling exercises.


To enable you to understand the theoretical fundamentals of global climate change and subsequent cross-scale impacts, and their regional manifestation in different environmental settings considering the interlinkages with human activities.

You can understand and apply the principles of academic writing and presenting. You can communicate effectively in an academic context.

You deepen your professional knowledge and skills in a specific area, that is of special interest for you. You can identify your personal interests in the field of global change management and expand your horizon to approaches in related study programmes.

Development of strategies for problem solving and implementation approaches.


You are enabled to adopt relevant principles of proactive strategic thinking for complex systems management and understand past and present societal transitions, their underlying patterns and key actors. Furthermore, you can evaluate different strategies of transformation on different levels and know how to apply tools to identify high leverage points in different kinds of complex systems.

You are able to initiate and implement transitional changes by acquiring skills for global leadership aimed at a sustainability transition.

To enable you, on the example of recent and ongoing projects, to understand and critically reflect different mitigation and adaptation solutions, strategies and management options, considering the relevance of stakeholders’ uncertainty and risk perceptions and different decision-making contexts.

You gain the ability to critically reflect approaches to development and development cooperation as well as trends of change and challenges. You are able to formulate constructive proposals for effective project design and implementation, paying particular attention to the drivers and impacts of global change.

You acquire a critical understanding of the challenges for sustainable development in transformation countries and are able to propose strategic elements for addressing challenges identified in a concrete case-study region.

To enable you to understand the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of systems leadership and to acquire leadership skills for large scale systems change.

You are able to apply competences in interdisciplinary scientific work and self-management in order to plan your own transformation project of moderate scope. The orientation of the project corresponds to the goals of the study programme and leads to an entrepreneurship that supports sustainability transformation.

You deepen your professional knowledge and skills in a specific area relevant to global change management. You identify your specific personal interests in the field of global change management and broaden your technical and scientific horizon.

Research project (at a partner institution in Germany or abroad) accompanied by internet based research colloquium.

You are enabled to plan and accomplish a research project of moderate size related to the study programme’s content.

You are able to discuss and present current research topics, accompanying the research projects of the third semester students.

You acquire further skills in interdisciplinary scientific work. You are able to evaluate research projects and to communicate results to expert and lay audience.

You obtain your own research results while solving and discussing a scientific problem. You present the research results of your master thesis and are able to defend its underlying assumptions, methodologies, and robustness of the key findings.


After graduation

Career prospects

Our alumni are working as change agents in various international and national organisations including NGOs, public agencies, businesses, and universities/research institutes as well as independent consultants. Fields they are working on include among others mitigation of and adaptation to global change, sustainable land and natural resource use management, nature conservation and applied research on global change and sustainability.

Prospects / job profiles

Graduates are prepared professionally and personally to assume civic responsibility during their professional activity and beyond. The professional qualification Master of Science (M.Sc.) after 2 years is suitable for all those who are looking for a quick entry into the profession. The degree qualifies students to enter a doctorate degree programme.

The study programme helps me to learn what is important for my career in an international and sustainable company.


Jeraporn Rothong

Social & Environmental Responsibility Regional at Patagonia, Inc., Graduate, Global Change Management

Eric Fee

Graduate, Global Change Management programme

Carina Zell-Ziegler

Öko-Institut e.V.

Graduate, Global Change Management programme


I want to apply...

Application period

Summer semester:

for higher semesters: 1 December to 15 January

Winter semester:

for the first semester: 1 March to 15 July

for higher semesters: 1 March to 15 July


Apply now

Please create an applicant account in the online application portal. You will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail with your user name and a password. Now you can log in and start entering all the information required for the application and uploading your documents. After submitting the online application, the "Print" button will take you to a summary of your details in the online application, which we recommend you print out and check. If you have discovered an error after submitting your application, please contact us by the closing date for applications by e-mail.

Proof of a first university degree qualifying for a profession (Bachelor, Diplom, Diplom (FH), Magister or Master) with a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters and a scope of at least 180 ECTS credit points.

In addition, good knowledge of the English language at level B2 CEFR must be proven. If this proof is not yet available at the time of application, it can be submitted at the end of the re-registration period for the second semester.

  • Certificate and diploma of the university degree (alternatively proof of achievement with at least 150 ECTS and provisional average grade).
  • School and professional career (curriculum vitae in tabular form)
  • Documents proving academic and professional qualifications, e.g. national or international project work, teaching activities, organisation/participation in workshops, list of publications, subject-related voluntary or private activities
  • Letter of motivation (maximum two pages)
  • If already available: Proof of English language proficiency at level B2. Alternatively, the TOEIC can be taken during the first semester at the Language Centre of the HNEE.

Application period

Summer semester:

for higher semesters: 1 November to 1 December from a non-EU country or 1 December to 15 January from an EU/EEA country

Winter semester:

for the first semester: 1 March to 1 May from a non-EU country or 1 March to 15 July from an EU/EEA country

for higher semesters: 1 March to 1 May from a non-EU country or 1 March to 15 July from an EU/EEA country


Apply now via uni-assist

Please apply early if you need to apply for a visa for your studies. The processing times are sometimes very long.

If you have obtained your degree abroad, then - regardless of your citizenship - do not apply directly to our university, but via the application portal of uni-assist e.V. This is a service point for the preliminary examination of international study applications for many universities in Germany . The uni-assist website will inform you about the application procedure. Please also note the country information on the uni-assist portal.

If your application is complete and meets the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will forward your application to our university. After importing your application into our application portal, you will receive an email with access data to the HNEE application portal so that you can follow up on the status of your application.

Proof of a first university degree qualifying for a profession and corresponding to a 3-year German Bachelor's degree (alternatively proof of performance of all semesters except for the final semester as well as confirmation of the expected graduation).

In addition, good knowledge of the English language at level B2 CEFR must be proven. If the proof is not yet available at the time of application, it can be submitted at the end of the re-registration period for the second semester.

They can be downloaded from the uni-assist website website to check whether you meet the formal requirements.

The following application documents must be uploaded exclusively via the uni-assist application portal. Please note that this list cannot be complete and further documents may be requested.

  • Copy of the university degree certificate incl. grade point average and Transcript of Records (see also Country information uni-assist)
  • Copy of the university entrance qualification
  • Other certificates relevant to the Master's entrance qualification (e.g. certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre for applications from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination)
  • Documents proving academic and professional qualifications, e.g. national or international project work, teaching activities, organisation/participation in workshops, list of publications, subject-related voluntary or private activities
  • Letter of motivation (maximum two pages)
  • If already available: Proof of English language proficiency at level B2. Alternatively, the TOEIC can be taken during the first semester at the Language Centre of the HNEE.


Foreign certificates must be translated into German or English by a sworn translator.

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a secondary student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

Students who are already enrolled at a university as a main auditor can be admitted to the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde as a secondary auditor, depending on capacity. The condition is that simultaneous studies at both universities are possible (parallel studies) and that the chosen module is a meaningful addition to the studies taken up.

Adjunct students are not members of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde. They may take part in examinations with the consent of the respective examiners and in accordance with the respective examination regulations. The scope of the examinations may not lead to a degree in a degree programme. There is no legal entitlement to take these examinations. Further details are regulated by the applicable matriculation regulations of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

There is a fee for the secondary auditorium. The amount of the fee is based on the current fee schedule of the HNEE, the AStA and the Studierendenwerk Ost:Brandenburg.


Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a guest student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

As a rule, an application for guest auditor status must be submitted to the Student Services Department prior to the start of the course (Guest auditor application).

Persons who are not matriculated can be admitted to courses up to 8 semester weeks as guest auditors without proof of university entrance qualification within the scope of the available educational capacity.

As a rule, guest auditors are subject to a fee. No fees are charged to students. Guest auditors for interested persons with a refugee background are free of charge.

Participation in the courses in the corresponding teaching areas is confirmed in writing. Participation in examinations is excluded.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

We are happy to welcome you to an → exchange programme at HNEE.

FAQ on application and admission

If the number of applications is expected to exceed the number of available study places, a degree programme is offered with limited admission. The study places are awarded to the applicants in a selection procedure. Several ranking lists are created. The average grade or waiting period of the most recently admitted applicant determines the selection limit for the respective year.
Here you can find the selection limits for the restricted-admission degree programmes of the past year:
Selection limits for restricted-admission degree programmes of the past years


No, you can only apply for one degree programme at our university. You are welcome to consult with us at an early stage to find out which degree programme might be the most suitable for you. Please contact us via e-mail to arrange an appointment. Consultations are possible by telephone, online and in person.

If the Fachhochschulreife consists of a school-based and a practical part, an application is only possible when both parts have been completed. If, for example, the practical part ends after the application deadline, an application is only possible the following year.
If you are applying for a Master's degree programme, we require a certificate of achievement from your university showing at least 150 ECTS, the provisional average grade and the expected end of studies.

Notifications of admission, rejection or exclusion are made available in the online application portal. At the same time, information will be sent to the e-mail address stored in the applicant account.
At the end of the selection procedure, you will be informed whether you have been offered a place on your chosen degree programme at the university. Admission notifications are sent by e-mail, rejection notifications are sent by post. If you do not fulfil the formal admission requirements, you will be asked by uni-assist to submit any missing documents within the application deadline. You will receive notification of the status of your application within four weeks. 

Here you will find all the important dates, all the information about the matriculation ceremony, the university library and the language centre.


All links for orientation from scholarships, funding opportunities to finding accommodation


Welcome Programme

Our students will help you with local orientation, enrolment, dealing with the authorities, finding accommodation and much more.


FAQ before starting your studies

You will find this information on this page in good time.

You will find the semester dates and the programme for the introductory events for first-year students on this page in good time.
There you will find out where to find your study plan in the campus management system → Mein EMMA and how to register for modules and exams, get to know the Moodle platform, where you will find all learning materials etc., get to know your contact persons and student representatives and initiatives as well as your fellow students and gain initial insights into individual degree programmes. So it's definitely worth taking part!

Please bring a valid ID document for the identity check and something to write down. For catering, we have a great offer in our sustainability canteen.

You can find your study plan online via the account access in our campus management system → Mein EMMA, which you will receive by e-mail with your enrolment. 

No, attendance is not compulsory, neither for the courses nor for the introductory week (with the exception of the identity check at the start of your studies, most exams and excursions for which you have registered). But: Regular attendance is of course highly recommended, as this not only supports learning progress, but also contributes to the positive dynamics of our rather small learning groups.

Most of your questions will certainly be answered during the introductory events at the beginning of the semester. If you still have questions or special needs, please make use of → our advisory services.

General information about studying

General study guidance

Stadtcampus Haus 5 ground floor, right
Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

+ 49 3334 657-149

Please make an appointment by phone or e-mail.

Subject-specific information on the degree program

Student counselling

Study programme coordination

Head of study programme


Start your own business

Everything about founding: Advice, events, success stories and the HNEE Startup Lab


Advice and events on application documents, career guidance and job advertisements


Most valuable library services

Information on the media catalogue, on borrowing media, publishing your own documents, academic work, research and citation