Forest Information Technology

The mission of Forest Information Technology (FIT) (M.Sc.) is to offer high level educational opportunities in the field of information technologies with a focus on forestry and environment related applications and analysis. The programme is jointly developed, managed and accomplished by the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences . Take your chance to become a specialist in the rapidly developing field of forest and environmental information technology.

What makes the study programme special?

Digital, smart and innovative technologies have found their way into forestry and are there to stay. Therefore, the FIT Master's programme focuses on fundamental and applied knowledge of environmental information technologies (EIS) and ›Green IT‹ applications in the global forestry sector. With its interdisciplinary approach, the study programme offers a unique and innovative intercultural, international learning environment. As a student you learn to solve complex problems based on a deepened and extended understanding of data structures, algorithms as well as processes and relationships within ecosystems, based on a broad spectrum of scientific methods and tools for the collection, analysis, storage, visualization and communication of environmental and forestry data. Graduates are experts in the application of modern information technologies in the forest and environmental sector and can solve problems in silvicultural practice as well as spatial information and data management. During the FIT programme, you acquire innovative scientific methods and tools required for collecting, processing, analysing, managing and communicating environmental data with emphasis on sustainable management of forest ecosystems.

The size of the classes, the diversity of the students' backgrounds and the close contact with the professors provide a good framework for intensive study. Practical exercises create professional skills in geomatics, remote sensing, statistics, programming and data management.


Julian Backa

Student, Forest Information Technology

Study content

Individual study contents

The programme consists of four semesters. A total of 30 ECTS shall be completed each semester, consisting of 18 ECTS of mandatory modules and an additional selection of elective modules. Further academic content like specialization modules are eligible recognized by the European Credit Transfer System. This results in a total of 120 ECTS for the master's programme FIT.

Modules per semester

The first semester covers principles of innovative Forest-IT and environmental information technology.

The module consists of the parts Principles of forest data structures and principles of GIS and Remote Sensing. Students gain fundamental knowledge about forest data structures and their spatial and digital representation. They become familiar with IT based methods and techniques. Students get an applied introduction to the use of geospatial data and technology in ecological and sustainable forest management and applied forest technology and more broadly in environmental sciences. Students understand principal methods of geospatial spatial data. 

Students deploy algorithms conceptually and implement them using a programming language. Students use computer programming techniques to analyze datasets from practical applications in environmental science and forestry. They develop programs that handle different data types and structures, perform calculations and represent the results visually.

The module consists of Forestry data structures and spatial data models and Environmental spatial data analysis

Students know the theoretical fundamentals of data concepts and are able to plan and to implement databases for spatial data processing. They define and describe the important data structures and data types involved in the creation of spatial data models and identify the processing techniques required by different types of data.

Students perform statistical analyses of environmental spatial data. Students are able to select appropriate statistical procedures and tests to find structures and relations in the data and to justify statements.

The second Semester takes place at Warsaw University of Life Sciences and focuses on the application of information technologies (IT) in forest and environment related subjects and forest management topics. In addition to the three compulsory modules, you choose two further compulsory elective modules.

  • Sustainable forestry
  • Data Processing and programming
  • Data colletion and processing technology

Offers of the University of Warsaw Elective Modules

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Scientific Principles: Presentation and planning skills
  • Scientific Principles: Language and social skills
  • Forest biometry, biomass and tree ring analysis
  • Principles of landscape ecology
  • LiDAR data processing and geostatistical methods in forestry
  • Sustainable forest management & forest products
  • Specialisation module

During the third semester at either location FIT students pursue an independent research project framed by a range of elective modules. Students choose two elective modules.

The Project consists of a scientific or technical research project and a scientific internet colloquium.

Students are enabled to plan and accomplish a particular research project of moderate size and consolidated their senior level of graduate academic maturity concerning their thematic focus. Students are able to discover new areas of IT applications, extend and manifest their capacities for accomplishing scientific work including academic writing and reviewing scientific papers in an online virtual seminar.

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Advanced remote sensing innovations (ARSI)
  • Advanced LiDAR data analysis
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Machine Learning and Data-Driven Modelling
  • Innovative Forest Management Methods

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Innovative economy, policy and social science in forestry
  • Natural resources & conservation
  • Information & mathematical models
  • Environmental monitoring

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Learning by doing: Adaptive Management
  • Forest Pest & Diseases
  • Genetic Resources Conservation an Molecular Markers

Students can also choose modules from other forestry-specific Master's programmes for their individual specialisation, e.g. Forestry System Transformation.

During the fourth semester at either location students work on their Master thesis supplemented by one further elective module.

Students acquire further skills in interdisciplinary scientific work. They are able to evaluate research projects and to communicate results to expert and professional audience.

Students obtain own research results while solving and discussing a scientific problem.
Students present the research results of their master thesis and are able to defend its underlying assumptions, methodologies, and robustness of the key findings.

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Applied Big Data Analytics
  • Advanced Programming

Possible elective modules could be:

  • Climate change impacts on plant growth and crop yield: non-invasive monitoring methods
  • Advanced data mining techniques

Students can also choose modules from other forestry-specific Master's programmes for their individual specialisation, e.g. Forestry System Transformation.

FAQ study contents

During the modules and the research project of the third semester, a practical part is always integrated into the curriculum.

You learn to handle different programmes that deal with FIT topics. The studies are enriched with many excursions to the forest, to the measuring stations or to the marteloscope areas.

Yes, the FIT team provides detailed information on the FIT FAQ page on moodle. After enrolment, students are given access to this page.

The FIT degree programme in Eberswalde and Warsaw combines the acquisition of specialist knowledge and technical skills very skilfully. Especially the practical implementation and the theoretical modules distinguish FIT from other Master's programmes.


Mansour Mahamane

Student Forest Information Technology

After graduation

Career prospects

Graduates from the FIT programme are qualified to work in international as well national professional settings, for example in forest and environmental companies IT-companies, authorities,  planning institutions, consulting firms, international research institutions and research projects. As a graduate of this programme you can also continue your academic career within a doctorate degree programme.

Specialisation options

The international Master study programme ›Forest Information Technology (FIT)‹ is an interdisciplinary, bilateral programme taught at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) in Poland. That means FIT graduates hold a double degree certificate from two European higher Education Institutes, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Prospects / job profiles

The Master's programme offers you a variety of basic and applied Green IT topics from forest, information and technology. You will receive a double certificate from two European universities. Both certificates enable you to enter European and international job markets. The Master's certificates are recognised for the continuation of your studies as a doctoral student or the start of another doctoral programme.

FIT combines environmental and forestry knowledge with current information technology. I specialised in GIS and remote sensing and passed on my knowledge to students as a tutor. Especially programming and setting up databases made the studies very enriching for me.


Susann Klatt

Research Associate Thünen Institute, Graduate, Forest Information Technology

Mansour Mahamane

PhD Student University of Tübingen
University of Diffa, Data and Science Co-Lead
Graduate, Forest Information Technology

Julian Backa

Consultant for the FNEWs project (remote sensing) - Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Graduate, Forest Information Technology


I want to apply...

Application period

Summer semester:

for higher semesters: 1 December to 15 January

Winter semester:

for the first semester: 1 March to 31 August 

for higher semesters: 1 March to 15 July 


Apply now

Please create an applicant account in the online application portal. You will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail with your user name and a password. Now you can log in and start entering all the information required for the application and uploading your documents. After submitting the online application, the "Print" button will take you to a summary of your details in the online application. We recommend that you print this out and check it. If you have discovered an error after submitting your application, please contact us by the closing date for applications via e-mail.

After successful admission to the FIT study programme, enrolment at the partner university Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS), where you will spend the second FIT semester, is mandatory. You will receive further information about this from your FIT coordinator by e-mail.

Approx. 32 study places are available per year.

Proof of a university degree (Bachelor, Diplom, Engineer, Magister or Master) from forestry, landscape and environment-related courses of study with at least 180 academic ECTS credits in from the fields of
- Forestry / Forest Science
- Biology
- Environmental Sciences
- Agricultural Sciences
- Land Use Planning
- Other thematically related degree programmes that require recognition by the programme management of the partner universities.
In addition, good knowledge of the English language at least on the level B2 CEFR must be proven. If this proof is not yet available at the time of application, it can be submitted at the end of the re-registration period for the second semester.

  • Certificate and diploma of the university degree (alternatively proof of achievement with at least 150 ECTS and provisional average grade).
  • School and professional career (curriculum vitae in tabular form)
  • If available: Certificates, references, employer's references or proof of employment.
  • If already available: Proof of English language proficiency at level B2. Alternatively, the TOEIC can be taken during the first semester at the Language Centre of the HNEE.

Application period

Summer semester:

for higher semesters: 1 November to 1 December from a non-EU country or 1 December to 15 January from an EU/EEA country

Winter semester:

for the first semester: 1 March to 1 June from a non-EU country or 1 March to 31 August from an EU/EEA country

for higher semesters: 1 March to 1 June from a non-EU country or 1 March to 15 July from an EU/EEA country


Apply now via uni-assist

Please apply early if you need to apply for a visa for your studies. The processing times are sometimes very long.

If you have obtained your degree abroad, then - regardless of your citizenship - do not apply directly to our university, but via the application portal of uni-assist e.V. This is a service point for the preliminary examination of international study applications for many universities in Germany . The uni-assist website will inform you about the application procedure. Please also refer to the country information on the uni-assist portal.
If your application is complete and meets the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will forward your application to our university. After importing your application into our application portal, you will receive an email with access data to the HNEE application portal so that you can follow up on the status of your application.
After successful admission to the FIT study programme, enrolment at the partner university Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS), where you will spend the second FIT semester, is mandatory. You will receive further information about this from your FIT coordinator by e-mail.

Approx. 32 study places are available per year.

Proof of a university degree equivalent to a 3-year German Bachelor's degree and completed in forestry, landscape and environment-related courses, for example:
- Forestry / Forest Science
- Biology
- Environmental Sciences
- Agricultural Sciences
- Land use planning
- Geography
- Other thematically related degree programmes that require recognition by the programme management of the partner universities.
In addition, good knowledge of the English language at least on the level B2 CEFR must be proven. If the proof is not yet available at the time of application, it can be submitted at the end of the re-registration period for the second semester.
You can check whether you meet the requirements on the uni-assist website.

The following application documents must be uploaded exclusively via the uni-assist application portal. Please note that this list cannot be complete and further documents may be requested.
- Copy of the university degree certificate incl. grade point average and Transcript of Records (see also uni-assist country information)
- Copy of the university entrance qualification
- Other certificates relevant for the Master's entrance qualification (e.g. certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre for applications from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination).
- If available: Certificates, references, employer references or proof of employment
- If already available: Proof of English language proficiency at level B2. Alternatively, the TOEIC can be taken during the first semester at the Language Centre of the HNEE.

Foreign certificates must be translated into German or English by a sworn translator.

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a secondary student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

Students who are already enrolled as main auditors at a university can be accepted as secondary auditors at the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde depending on capacity. The condition is that a simultaneous study at both universities is possible (parallel studies) and that the chosen module is a meaningful addition to the studies taken up.
Adjunct students are not members of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde. They may take part in examinations with the consent of the respective examiners and in accordance with the respective examination regulations. The scope of the examinations may not lead to a degree in a degree programme. There is no legal entitlement to take these examinations. Further details are regulated by the applicable matriculation regulations of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

There is a fee for the secondary auditorium. The amount of the fee is based on the current fee schedule of the HNEE, the AStA and the Studierendenwerk Ost:Brandenburg.

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a guest student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

As a rule, an application for guest auditor status must be submitted to the Student Services Department prior to the start of the course (Guest auditor application).

Persons who are not matriculated can be admitted to courses up to 8 semester weeks as guest auditors without proof of university entrance qualification within the scope of the available educational capacity.

As a rule, guest auditors are subject to a fee. No fees are charged to students. Guest auditors for interested persons with a refugee background are free of charge.

Participation in the courses in the corresponding teaching areas is confirmed in writing. Participation in examinations is excluded.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

We are happy to welcome you to an → exchange programme at HNEE.

FAQ on application and admission

If the number of applications is expected to exceed the number of available study places, a degree programme is offered with limited admission. The study places are awarded to the applicants in a selection procedure. Several ranking lists are created. The average grade or waiting period of the most recently admitted applicant determines the selection limit for the respective year.
Here you can find the selection limits for the restricted-admission degree programmes of the past year:
Selection limits for restricted-admission degree programmes of the past years


No, you can only apply for one degree programme at our university. You are welcome to consult with us at an early stage to find out which degree programme might be the most suitable for you. Please contact us via e-mail to arrange an appointment. Consultations are possible by telephone, online and in person.

If the Fachhochschulreife consists of a school-based and a practical part, an application is only possible when both parts have been completed. If, for example, the practical part ends after the application deadline, an application is only possible the following year.
If you are applying for a Master's degree programme, we require a certificate of achievement from your university showing at least 150 ECTS, the provisional average grade and the expected end of studies.

Notifications of admission, rejection or exclusion are made available in the online application portal. At the same time, information on this is sent to the e-mail address stored in the applicant account.
Notifications for degree programmes with restricted admission are usually sent out two to four weeks after the end of the application period for the respective degree programme.

Before your studies

Here you will find all the important dates, all the information about the matriculation ceremony, the university library and the language centre.


All links for orientation from scholarships, funding opportunities to finding accommodation


Welcome Programme

Our students will help you with local orientation, enrolment, dealing with the authorities, finding accommodation and much more.


FAQ before starting your studies

You will find this information on this page in good time.

You will find the semester dates and the programme for the introductory events for first-year students on this page in good time.
There you will find out where to find your study plan in the campus management system → Mein EMMA and how to register for modules and exams, get to know the Moodle platform, where you will find all learning materials etc., get to know your contact persons and student representatives and initiatives as well as your fellow students and gain initial insights into individual degree programmes. So it's definitely worth taking part!

Please bring a valid ID document for the identity check and something to write down. For catering, we have a great offer in our sustainability canteen.

You can find your study plan online via the account access in our campus management system → Mein EMMA, which you will receive by e-mail with your enrolment. 

No, attendance is not compulsory, neither for the courses nor for the introductory week (with the exception of the identity check at the start of your studies, most exams and excursions for which you have registered). But: Regular attendance is of course highly recommended, as this not only supports learning progress, but also contributes to the positive dynamics of our rather small learning groups.

Most of your questions will certainly be answered during the introductory events at the beginning of the semester. If you still have questions or special needs, please make use of → our advisory services.

General information about studying

General study guidance

Stadtcampus Haus 5 ground floor, right
Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

+ 49 3334 657-149
Please make an appointment by phone or e-mail.

Subject-specific information on the degree programme

Student counselling

Study programme coordination

Together with the University of Warsaw

Head of study programme

Visit the website


Advice and events on application documents, career guidance and job advertisements


Most valuable library services

Information on the media catalogue, on borrowing media, publishing your own documents, academic work, research and citation