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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Campus & Leben

Bibliothek Stadtcampus

City Campus

The City Campus in the centre of Eberswalde is home to the Faculties of Landscape Use & Nature Conservation and Sustainable Economics.

Pfeil-Auditorium Außen
Forest Campus

The institutes of the Faculties of Forest & Environment and Wood Science and Technology are surrounded by forest.


Interest groups

Students can become actively involved in university life in interest groups such as the AStA (Students’ Union), Student Council and the Senate.

Active groups

In addition to the interest groups, Eberswalde has numerous student initiatives which students can join.

library city campus

Family-friendly university

HNE Eberswalde welcomes students with children. There are a wide range of benefits and services for parents and children.



Besides the University, Eberswalde has plenty to offer, with the neighbouring lakes, festivals and sights.


Sustainability Round Table

All interested parties can influence sustainable development at the University and contribute ideas at the Sustainability Round Table.


Web-Maps of HNEE

Find here selected ArcGIS Online Webmaps of HNEE, e.g. guide for students, alumni Map ...