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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Supervised and/or evaluated theses since 2004


Doctoral theses

Márquez, Jaime García: Biogeographical analyses and applications: the study of plant distribution patterns in West Africa

University of Bonn, Juni 2010 (second evaluator, first evaluator: Prof. W. Barthlott)

Bachelor theses


Doctoral theses

Peters, Jule: Revision of the genus Fosterella L.B.Sm. (Bromeliaceae)

University of Kassel, Mai 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. K. Weising)

Bachelor theses

Misgeld, Fiona (IFEM): Biodiversity conservation in South America: a changing climate between 2006 and 2008. Analysis of climate change awareness among Andean environmental institutions

University of applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Rose, Joceline (IFEM): Concept for the restoration of Valdivian temperate rainforest in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve in Chile

University of applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Pausch, Cora (IFEM): Sumaco Biosphere reserve and Sumaco Napo-Galeras National Park region, Ecuador: Analysis of the Site Management Approaches Applying the "Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation" (The Conservation Measures Partnership)

University of applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Christopf Nowicki)

Cybulla, Felix (IFEM): Adapting to climate change. An Analysis of the applicability of the methodology "Proactive Conservation Action Planning" (PRO-CAP)

University of applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Doris Kramm)

Ahee van, Imke (IFEM): Biosphärenreservate Deutschlands - Analyse der Vulnerabilität gegen+ber dem Klimawandel

University of applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2009 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Master theses

Koim, Nora: Prioritisation of forest fragments for conservation in Southwest Risaralda, Colombia

Humboldt-University, Mai 2009 (second evaluator)

Enssle, Johannes (GCM): "Mehr Wildnis wagen für die Urwälder von morgen?" Eine Argumentationsanalyse über das Für und Wider eines Nutzungsverzicht auf 5% der deutschen Waldfläche bis 2020

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Dezember 2009 (first evaluator)

Diploma theses

Schröter, Christoph (FOWI): Anpassung der Guten Fachlichen Praxis des Naturschutzes im Waldmanagement an den Klimawandel

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August2009 (first evaluator)

Stein, Anke: Spatial diversity pattern of Cactaceae. Towards an atlas of distribution

University of Bonn, Mai 2009 (second evaluator)

Hahne, Kirsten: Biogeographie und Diversität der Cactaceae - Beitrag zu einem Atlas

University of Bonn, Mai 2009 (second evaluator)


Doctoral theses

Sommer Henning: Plant diversity and future climate change - macroecological analyses of African and global species distribution

Köster, Nils: Tropical epiphyte diversity under human impact - comparing primary forests, secondary forests, and forest fragments in Ecuador

University of Bonn, November 2008 (second evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Barthlott)

Bachelor theses

Nickisch, Ulf (IFEM): Germany's protected areas in the face of climate change - is their management adapted to the challenge?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, April 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Strixner, Lena (IFEM): Evaluation der aktuellen Managementplanung und Vorschläge möglicher Anpassungen an den Klimawandel am Beispiel des FHNEE-Gebietes "Trauf der südlichen Frankenalb" (DE 6833-371)

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Linke, Nicole (FOWI): Das UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Spreewald im Klimawandel - Handlungsoptionen für das Management

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Juni 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Herweg, Johannes (IFEM): Combating Ulex by ecosystem restoration, Chile

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Doris Kramm)

Krabisch, Stefanie (FOWI): Erhöhung der Biodiversität in Wirtschaftswäldern durch Waldrandgestaltung

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (second evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Spathelf)

Kunze, Britta (IFEM): Ansatz des Risikomanagements im Naturschutz

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Doris Kramm)

Tucci, Franziska (IFEM): Exemplarischer Managementplan fĂĽr das FHNEE-Gebiet "Falkenseer Kuhlaake" in Brandenburg (DE 3444-306) Klimatische Risikoabschätzung und AnpassungsmaĂźnahmen des Managements an den Klimwandel

 University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Bienek, Martin (IFEM): Climate change in the Danube Foodplain National Park-Risks and Options

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Aschenbrenner, Daniela (IFEM): Assessing management effectiveness: an evaluation protocol for the local protected areas "Tucavvaca Valley" and Reserve San Rafael", Bolivia

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Roberto Vides, FCBC, Boliviat)

Lowe, Josiane (IFEM): Protected areas and sustainable forest management - the Cameroonian protected area system as an example for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Oktober 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Baldauf, Stefanie (IFEM): Sensitivitätsindex für die Lebensraumtypen der Natura 2000

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Oktober 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Busenius, Olga (IFEM): Verbleibanalyse der AbsolventInnen des Studienganges "International Forest Ecosystem Management" an der Hochschule fĂĽr nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde 1998-2003

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Oktober 2008 (second evaluator)

Grella, Stephanie (IFEM): Erstellung einer Vulnerabilitätsanalyse der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Laufkäfer in Deutschland

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Dezember 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)

Master theses

Geyer, Juliane: Stakeholder analysis of land use and conservation in Rakhiv District, Ukraine

University of Göttingen, November 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Mühlenberg)

Diploma theses

Saathoff, Wiebke: Quellen, Speicher und Senken von Treibhausgasen der Ökosysteme und Landnutzungen im Biosphärenreservat Niedersächsische Elbtalaue - Risikoanalyse und Bestandsaufnahme der CO2- Entstehung durch Grünlandumbruch und landwirtschaftliche Moornutzung

University of Hannover, Februar 2008 (second evaluator)

HuĂź, Natalie (LANU): German avian species facing climate change - developing a vulnerability index

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, Dezember 2008 (first evaluator; second evaluator: Stefan Kreft)


Doctoral theses


Gerkmann, Birgit: Nutzung von Telemetrie- und Satellitendaten zur Identifizierung wichtiger Habitate wandernder Vogelarten (Ciconia ciconia, Aquila pomarina)

University of Bonn, April 2007 (second evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Riede, University of Bonn)


Kreft, Holger: Global biodiversity of vascular plants – a macroecological analysis of broad-scale geographic patterns and determinants

University of Bonn, June 2007 (second evaluator and head of the examination committee; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Barthlott, University of Bonn)


Reichle, Steffen: Distribution, diversity and conservation status of Bolivian amphibians

Bachelor theses


Marcela Cuadros (IFEM): Conservacion de biodiversidad en paises andinos de America Latina: desafios y enfoques an el contexto de los cambios climaticos poryectados

Universidad de Leida, Espana, September 2007 (first evaluator and supervisor, second evaluator: Stefan Kreft, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)

Porwollik, Vera (IFEM): Conservation Strategy for the Bromeliad Society International. Integration of the SWOT analysis into the strategic formulation process

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, February 2007 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: C. Nowicki, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Blackwell, Emma (IFEM): Characterisation and Comparison of grazing points of livestock and points of wolf attacks on livestock in the National Park Peneda- Geres, Portugal

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, March 2007 (second supervisor; first supervisor and evaluator: Prof. Dr. Riek, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


BĂĽscher, Timm (IFEM): Heilung aus dem Regenwald - ein Nachschlagewerk fĂĽr den botanischen Garten der FundaciĂłn EcolĂłgica Curiquingue

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, March 2007 (second supervisor; first supervisor and evaluator: Dr. Götz, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Reyer, Christoph (IFEM): Adaptation of climate change mitigation projects (afforestation, reforestation and deforestation avoidance) to climate change

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, July 2007 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Guericke, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Fischer, Klaus (IFEM): Grauhörnchen – Ursachen und Folgen der Ausbreitung eines Neozoons in Großbritannien

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , July 2007 (second supervisor; first supervisor and evaluator: Prof. Dr. Linde University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Baur, Albert (IFEM): More information – less polar bears? Global media coverage of Climate Change in relation to human habits

AnkerAnkerUniversity of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2007 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Welp, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Fee, Eric (IFEM): The Ecosystem Approach. Stuck in the Clouds? Insight into the barriers to implementation, with case studies from Canada and Germany

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2007 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Korn, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz)





Doctoral theses:


Reichle, Steffen: Distribution, diversity and conservation status of Bolivian amphibians

University of Bonn, 2006 (specialized member of the examination committee; evaluators: Prof. Dr. Böhme, Prof. Dr. Kneitz, University of Bonn)



Diploma theses:


Andert, Doreen (Forstwirtschaft): Auwaldinitialisierung im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal und Untersuchungen zur Effizienz

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , February 2006 (Second evaluator; first evaluator: D. Treichel, Nationalpark Unteres Odertal)


Maschke, Annika (Forstwirtschaft): Naturparke: Instrument des Naturschutzes oder der Tourismusförderung?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , February 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Wolff University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Walter, Dennis (Forstwirtschaft): Bewirtschaftungskonzept für die Stiftung „Wälder für Morgen“ am Beispiel des NSG „Schöbendorfer Busch“

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , February 2007 (second evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. von der Wense)


Heym, Michael (Forstwirtschaft): Waldbewirtschaftung und Klimawandel: Risikobewertung und Empfehlungen fĂĽr das NSG Stechlin, Brandenburg

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , April 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: G. Beyer, NABU)


Nippe, Kristof (Forstwirtschaft): Naturschutzfachliche Förderung im Privatwald-   Umsetzung und kritische Betrachtung der Förderung zur Erhöhung der ökologischen Stabilität in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

AnkerAnkerUniversity of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2006 (second evaluator; supervisor and first evaluator: Prof. Dr. von der Wense University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Zabel, Christoph (Forstwirtschaft): Umsetzung des Methusalem-Projektes in der Landesforstverwaltung Brandenburg. Schriftliche Befragung von Revierleitern zur Akzeptanz und zu Umsetzungsschwierigkeiten.

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. GĂĽnther-Dieng University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Fleck, Friederike (LANU): Katastrophenrisikomanagement bzw. –vorsorge im Kontext des globalen Klimawandels- eine Herausforderung für die deutsche Entwicklumgszusammenarbeit

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, December 2006 (Supervisor and second evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Steinhardt, Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)



Bachelor theses:


Schmidt, Christina (IFEM): „Analyse der interkulturellen Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaftlern und lokaler Bevölkerung im Rahmen des PROIECT APUSENI“

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , January 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Welp University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Hinske, Christoph (IFEM): GernzĂĽberschreitendes Freiwilligenprogramm deutscher GroĂźschutzgebiete- eine Untersuchung vorhanderner Strukturen

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , January 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: A. Schierenberg, EUROPARC)


Knuth, Kerstin: “Natura 2055”: Is Natura 2000 facilitating an adequate adaptation of biodiversity conservation to climate change?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , January 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Korn, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz)


Andert, Doreen: Auwaldinitialisierung im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal und Untersuchungen zur Effizienz

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , February 2006 (second evaluator; supervisor: Dipl.Ing. Treichel, Director Lower Oder Valley National Park)


Holtz, Angelika (IFEM): Der Haussperling (Passer domesticus L.) – Nistplatzmangel als bestandeslimitierender Faktor?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , February 2006 (first evaluator; supervisor and second evaluator: Dr. Vauk-Hentzelt, Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung)


Schmidt, Lars (IFEM): Ecotourism as a tool for site conservation and rural development in the Western Caucasus

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, February 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Strasdas,Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Olbrecht, Henrike (IFEM): A concept for Internet-based environmental communication to encourage engagement of plant aficionados in conservation: Bromeliad Society International

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, March 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: A. Schilling, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Felger, Johanna (IFEM): A presence – absence study on the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in El Salvador, Central America

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, July 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: O. Komar, SalvaNATURA, El Salvador)


Thiel, Daniel (IFEM): Anwendbarkeit eines neuen Planungsansatzes und Instruments zur Förderung des adaptiven Managements von Schutzgebieten am Beispiel eines brandenburgischen Naturparks

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, July 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Bader, Landesumweltamt Brandenburg)


Rust, Jennifer (IFEM): Implementing the „ecosystem approach“ in Brandenburg- an evaluation of strategies and strucures of nature conservation on federal state level in Germany

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Korn, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz)


Kramm, Doris (IFEM): Silvicultural Methods to control Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve in Chile

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dipl. S. Reichle)


Fritzsche, Marika (IFEM): The Uphill Struggle to Control Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Broom (Cytisus scoparius) in New Zealand

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator;

second evaluator: Dr. Clinton, New Zealand)


Stilec, Susanne (LANU): Native Trees in Northern Ireland- Is the use of local provenance trees important when creating, restocking or extending woodland and hedgerows or when planting near existing semi-natural woddland?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Piorr, Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Wetzel, Danica (IFEM): Kommunikationskonzept zur NaturSchutz-Sensibilisierung junger Erwachsener im Rahmen von Sounds for nature – Musikfestivals des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: F. Emde, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz)


Gerber, Kristin (IFEM): Ecosystem approach- the level of implementation in Canada

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Korn, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz)


Bode, Manja (IFEM): Die Region Mittlere Havel unter naturschutzfachlichen und touristischen Gesichtspunkten. Eine Situationsanalyse im Westen Brandenburgs zwischen den Städten Brandenburg a .d .Havel, Ketzin, Kloster Lehnin

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, September 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Strasdas, Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Wenning, Moritz (IFEM): Getting hotter: Science communication on climate change in scientific and mass media

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, December 2006 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Welp, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)




Doctoral theses

Rodriguez, Glenda: Changes in tropical rainforest landscapes as a consequence of selective logging and indigenous shifting cultivation in Forest Reserve Imataca (Central zone), Bol Ă­var State, Venezuela

University of Göttingen , May 2005; (second supervisor and evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Martin Kappas, University Göttingen)


Kier, Gerold: Inventory-based approaches to biodiversity mapping and their application on the global flora

University of Bonn , July 2005; (second evaluator and head of the examination commitee; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Barthlott, University Bonn)


Gorrin, Arnelida: Knowledge-based monitoring and evaluation system of land use: assessing the ecosystem conservation status in the influence area of a gas pipeline in Bolivia

University of Göttingen , November 2005; (second supervisor and evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Gerold, University Göttingen)      



Bachelor theses 

MĂĽller, Erika (IFEM): A national park for the Lower Dniester Valley in Moldova? Lessons learned about potential conflicts from the Lower Odra Valley National Park, Germany

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, January 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: C. Nowicki, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


HaggenmĂĽller, Katrin (IFEM): Degree of knowledge and implementation of the ecosystem approach in large protected areas in Germany

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , March 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Dr. Korn, Bundesamt fĂĽr Naturschutz )


SchĂĽtt, Samay (IFEM): To what degree do students of environmental sciences use participatory approaches in their academic exercises in developing countries?

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, April 2005 (first evaluator; Supervisor and second evaluator: Dr. Pokorny, University of Freiburg)


Trümmer, Anne (IFEM): Partizipation lokaler Akteure in naturschutzfachlichen Planungsprozessen - eine Stakeholderanalyse am Beispiel der NABU-Flächen am Wittwesee

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, July 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: Prof. Dr. Wolff, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Murn, Jasmin (IFEM): Application of the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards to the carbon sequestration project at Bilsa Biological Station, Ecuador

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde , August 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: M. Dutschke, Hamburg Institute of international Economics)


Enssle, Johannes (IFEM): Impacts of fibre extraction on Parajubaea sunkha, an endemic palm tree of the inter-Andean valleys of central Bolivia

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, August 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: C. Nowicki, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)


Ihle, Maren (IFEM): „Moor erLeben“ – Konzeption eines Moorlehrpfades im Forstrevier Roofen im NSG Stechlin

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, September 2005 (second supervisor and evaluator; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Luthard, Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz University of Applied Sciences, Eberswalde)                 


RĂĽde, Karin (IFEM): Retos y riesgos para conservacion de biodiversidad: influencia de la crisis de gobernancia en Bolivia

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, December 2005 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: C. Nowicki, University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde)



 Doctoral Theses

Choquehuanca, Jorge: Evaluacion del potencial de conservacion de biodiversidad en tierras privadas del este de Bolivia- el caso del territorio de connexion Chiquitano-Amazonas 

     University of Göttingen, April 2004; (second evaluator and member of the examination commitee; first evaluator: Pro. Dr. Gerold, University Göttingen) 

Venevskaia, Irina: Modelling of a vegetation diversity and a netional conservation planning: example of Russia

University of Potsdam, Oktober 2004 (second evaluator and member of the examiination commitee; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Wallschläger, University Potsdam) 


Bachelor theses


Schneider, Maria: Science and Teaching of International Forest Ecosystem Management - Proposing a Reform of the B.Sc. program International Forest Ecosystem Management (IFEM) at the University of Applied Sciences of Eberswalde

University of Applied Sciences of Eberswalde, August 2004 (Supervisor and first evaluator; second evaluator: A. Schilling, University of Applied Sciences of Eberswalde)

Delgado, Victor: Forest Management Planning For Sustainable Urban Forestry - Concepts and Experiences of the Case Study of the City of Barcelona, Spain

University of Applied Sciences of Eberswalde, September 2004 (second evaluator; first evaluator: Dr. Torsten Mrosek, University MĂĽnster)