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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Student Research Projects 2012

Project Presentations Summer Semester 2012

Presenter / Title of Research Topic

Jan-Michael Meyer:

"Organisation and planning of wildboar trapping"

open/download (PDF, 17.475 KB)

Stefan Israel:

"The potential of human sewage sludge and animal manure as fertilizer in agriculture"

open/download (PDF, KB)

Julia Schrepel:

"Forest information systems - Example of reforestation project in Paraguay"

open/download (PDF, 2.224 KB)

Malte Riquarts:

"Compass traverse 2.0 - Area calculation and visualization of individual sample plots from compass traverse measurements"

open/download  (PDF, KB )

Charles Konga Mopoum:

"Graphical characterization for the estimation of ten years changes within a Beech (Fagus sylvatica) stand (Kahlenberg 86b) in the north east of Germany"

open/download  (PDF, 984 KB )

Matthias Sobotka:

"GIS operations for the Danube-Auen National Park"

open/download  (PDF, KB )

Michal Belcik:

"Landscape structure analysis - Lech valley (Austria)"

open/download  (PDF, 1.804 KB )

Milosz Mielcarek:

"Tree height estimation using LIDAR generated crown height models (CHM)"

open/download  (PDF, 1.949 KB )

Adam Mlodzianowski:

"Challenges of estimating trees height via LIDAR based on point cloud (study of European Larch (Larix decidua) and Norway Spruce (Picea abies))"

open/download  (PDF, 3.430 KB )

Susann Klatt:

"Recognition with eCognition - Skid trail detection with multiresolution segmentation in eCognition Developer"

open/download  (PDF, 3.315 KB )

Jan-Hendrik Hofmann:

"Derivation of forest parameters by spatial medium and high-resolution Remote Sensing systems"

open/download  (PDF, KB )